Match Report

Green Towers Spa
today's match is sponsored by Green Towers Spa

Match Report

Match Report
A few clouds cover the sky here at Heesen Yachts Stadion where FC Oss play host to Telstar Velsen. A crowd of 15,448 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
FC Oss are playing in a 4-2-4 formation while Telstar Velsen appear to be shaped for 4-3-3.
Today's match is refereed by Max Reuser.

Telstar Velsen kick off the first half!
Martin Emmerlich kicks a strong pass forward to Kevin Piqué. Kevin Piqué finds some space and shoots from distance. The ball edges inside the post - goal!!
Joe Versteeg flicks a high pass forward to Martin Van Der Heijden who brings the ball under control. Martin Van Der Heijden changes direction and makes an attacking run forward. Martin Van Der Heijden shoots from 25 yards. Wonderful reactions from Paolo Toldo keeps it out!
Stephen Morton flicks a high pass forward to Rio Priestley who brings the ball under control. Rio Priestley runs deep into the other half of the pitch. Rio Priestley knocks the ball beyond the defensive line but Kevin Piqué is offside!
Martin Emmerlich chips the ball to his team mate, Louis Rudge. Louis Rudge plays a one-two with Giuseppe Blanchard and rushes in on goal... Louis Rudge shows great control and tries a shot on goal but is denied by Matthias Welke. Excellent save.
Martin Van Der Heijden kicks a strong pass forward to Adrian Newby. Adrian Newby whips in a cross ball towards Maurizio Mazzoleni. Maurizio Mazzoleni powers a header at goal but somehow Paolo Toldo manages to keep it out.
From the throw-in, Michel Cruz picks out Jamal Piqué. Jamal Piqué threads the ball through to Giovanni M. Bonora. Giovanni M. Bonora knocks in a cross ball towards Adrian Newby. Adrian Newby jumps high and flicks the ball with his head but it's a lousy effort!
Martin Emmerlich threads a neat ball through to Louis Rudge. Louis Rudge cuts inside the box! Louis Rudge side-steps and rifles a shot at goal but somehow Matthias Welke manages to keep it out.
Martin Emmerlich sees a break and surges forward. Martin Emmerlich makes a great pass forward. Kevin Piqué runs clear and latches on but the linesman indicates offside!
Martin Emmerlich flicks the ball to his team mate, Louis Rudge. Louis Rudge knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Martin Emmerlich threads a neat ball through to Kevin Piqué. Kevin Piqué shoots from 20 yards but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Martin Emmerlich flicks a high ball forward to Giuseppe Blanchard who takes it down. Giuseppe Blanchard knocks in a cross ball towards Jeffrey Caluwé. Jeffrey Caluwé makes a looping header on goal. It smacks hard against the advertising boards behind the goal. Just wide!
Martin Van Der Heijden runs deep into the other half of the pitch. Martin Van Der Heijden skips past Arco Seedorf! Martin Van Der Heijden side-steps and rifles a shot at goal but Paolo Toldo reads it well. Excellent save!
Rodney Neeskens flicks a high ball forward to Michel Cruz who takes it down. Michel Cruz controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Maurizio Mazzoleni. Maurizio Mazzoleni shoots from 20 yards but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
Arco Seedorf decides to run forward with the ball. Arco Seedorf passes the ball forward to Kevin Piqué. Kevin Piqué plays a scrappy one-two with Jeffrey Caluwé and stumbles forward towards the goal... Some superb footwork from Kevin Piqué provides some space. He scuffs the ball at goal but Matthias Welke reads it well. Excellent save!
The referee blows for the end of the first half

Both teams emerge for the second half. FC Oss appear unchanged since the first half. Telstar Velsen also appear unchanged since the first half.

The second half starts with FC Oss kicking off!
Martin Van Der Heijden flicks a high pass forward to Giovanni M. Bonora who brings the ball under control. Giovanni M. Bonora whips in a cross ball towards Maurizio Mazzoleni. Maurizio Mazzoleni is unmarked! He powers a header at goal but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
Don Thomson sees space and advances. Don Thomson flicks a high ball forward to Louis Rudge who takes it down. Louis Rudge plays a scrappy one-two with Kevin Piqué and stumbles forward towards the goal... Louis Rudge side-steps and rifles a shot at goal. The ball dips under the bar and into the back of the net. Goal!!
Don Thomson plays the ball forward to Martin Emmerlich. Martin Emmerlich flicks the ball to his team mate, Jeffrey Caluwé. Seeing a gap ahead, Jeffrey Caluwé plays the ball forward to Louis Rudge who has made a great run into the box. Some silky footwork from Louis Rudge provides him some room. He curls a shot at goal. Matthias Welke comfortably gets down and covers it.
Martin Emmerlich knocks the ball forward to Kevin Piqué. Kevin Piqué shoots from 20 yards. The ball edges just beyond the reach of the keeper, thudding into the back of the net. Goal!!
Martin Emmerlich flicks a high ball forward to Giuseppe Blanchard who takes it down. Giuseppe Blanchard deftly passes the ball to Jeffrey Caluwé, releasing him through on goal. Jeffrey Caluwé takes a shot at goal but Matthias Welke reads it well. Nice keeping!
Michel Cruz flicks a high ball forward to Maurizio Mazzoleni who takes it down. Maurizio Mazzoleni knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Paolo Toldo who gathers it comfortably.
Martin Emmerlich flicks a high ball forward to Louis Rudge who takes it down. Louis Rudge plays a one-two with Jeffrey Caluwé and advances towards the goal... Some good footwork from Louis Rudge provides some space. He shoots at goal but it flies just off target!
Jeffrey Caluwé hacks Bertrand Celestini from behind! The referee calls over Jeffrey Caluwé and shows him a yellow card! Bertrand Celestini hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Joe Versteeg knocks the ball forward to Martin Van Der Heijden. Martin Van Der Heijden chips the ball to his team mate, Maurizio Mazzoleni. Maurizio Mazzoleni whips in a cross ball towards Giovanni M. Bonora. Giovanni M. Bonora makes a looping header on goal. Paolo Toldo manages to gather it.
Michel Cruz clumsily knocks into Martin Emmerlich. The referee calls over Michel Cruz and warns him to calm down! Martin Emmerlich runs off the knock.
Michel Cruz flicks a high pass forward. Maurizio Mazzoleni controls it well on his chest. Maurizio Mazzoleni knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Paolo Toldo who gathers it comfortably.
The referee blows for full-time

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 8 vs 4
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 3 vs 3
Offsides: 2 vs 0
Fouls: 1 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 54.1176470588235 vs 45.8823529411765
Play Area
Home team third: 25.88%, Midfield: 43.53%, Away team third: 30.59%


Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Kevin Piqué of FC Oss

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
1. Paolo Toldo (GK)
2. Rainer Rahn (DEF)
4. Don Thomson (DEF)
5. Arco Seedorf (DEF)
6. Rio Priestley (MID)
9. Louis Rudge (ATT)
11. Kevin Piqué (ATT)

12. Willem Paauwe (GK)

4. Joe Versteeg (DEF)
7. Jamal Piqué (MID)
8. Michel Cruz (MID)
9. Adrian Newby (ATT)

12. Wout Bakboord (MID)
13. Philipp Streich (MID)
14. Pablo Crespo (MID)